Saturday 23 February 2019

Discipleship begins at birth

This week leaders of North American Adventist gathered in San Diego to discuss “Growing Young” subject of how to keep our youth. I watched all on-line broadcasts and must share few thoughts.
Back in 2003 George Barna had stated that “by the age of 9 most moral and spiritual foundations of a child are in place…by the time the child has reached this age it is much more difficult to change an existing view than to form a new view.” (Transforming children into spiritual champions, p.58)
Today’s social science is revealing that 80% of decisions for Christ are made before person reaches teen-age.  That means the DISCIPLESHIP does not start at 16, or 18, or 25.  Discipleship is done at “4-14 window.
This weekend our churches are spending time to reflect on the importance of Discipleship process.  Who will attend?  How seriously are we considering the fact that our children are our first disciples, and the Discipleship begins at birth!  Adults, do not play church as if it is not for kids!  We do church often with a “kid-size” portion of children story, and kids worship inserted.  Yet our children do not get “junior-sized” portion of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit comes complete for kids and adults alike!
Our greatest window of opportunity to disciple a person happens from birth to 13!  Yet about 3% of most churches budget goes to this age category.  Here in Windsor we are doing good work supporting the Church School.  About 30% of our finances are going to support this landmark institution that cares for our kids.  Yet, what about other children who are in the public schools?  What are we doing for them and their families?
We need to start afresh, we need to build a new worldview where our commitment to the Discipleship begins with new born babies, or maybe even before, through Family life ministries, preparing parents for parenting.
Dear friends, young and old, Discipleship is Jesus’ METHOD and Christ’s Message works only if this method is used.  Preparing our children for baptism, introducing our kids to Jesus and turning hearts of parents to our children will keep our families together!

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